Saturday, October 25, 2008

A detour on the journey....

Well, this sure is a journey where the unexpected happens!

This week I've been in hospital quite unexpected! I had a blood clot on my right lung and breathing was darn right difficult and painful. I have been having breathlessness, but this was breathlessness dizzy feelings, weakness and near collapse!

I was going for my weekly massage at the Centre for Integrative Care at the Cancer Centre and told the practitioner what was going on - out came the stethoscope to my lungs and she said "I think you got a clot on your lungs,dear, and I'm going to send you upstairs to the Nurse and then to the doctor.
So by 4.00 p.m Monday I was in hospital, the scans indeed showed up a clot and I have been having intravenous blood thinners and been under observation since then. Apparently this is all a side effect of the treatment I am having and and is now something I am living with!

For someone who has never been sick, this is all a totally new experience - I've rarely taken medication and now I am being pumped up with blood thinners, pain killers and blood pressure medication and thats how my life is now. It all feels so strange and over the past 8 months a different person is emerging! Physically I look totally different,not only the new silver grey hairdo but also I have got very skinny - but more than the physical appearance I notice that my priorities in life are changing and what I used to get het up about - seems less important now. What matters is being on a healing journey of self discovery arriving at a place of total acceptance of what is.

In all of this I am so truly grateful and blessed to have the support I do, my friends are amazing and just there - they call themselves the Sisters of the Extended Hearts - my room is full of flowers and perfumes and my experience is that I am not in hospital but in a comfortable hotel!
The staff at the hospital here are extraordinary and I have personal care - they ask "What do you want, "Is there anything I can get you" . I have always been so independent and indeed to let anyone contribute to me has occurred like a weakness and that I cant take care of myself. The nurses are so loving and caring - it's remarkable!

So part of this journey is being contributed to and I'm seeing that allowing people to contribute to me is a contribution to them - and I have never looked at it that way before. My view has been that I would be "obligated" and lose a sense of freedom. Where that comes from I dont know - though there is some of the British independence and stoicism there, I'm sure!

I was thinking today that it seems like my life has become about medication, doctors, turmoil, fear sadness and loss of control. Then I realised this is my mind going crackers - really I do have a life threatening illness - but my life is about love, contribution, friendship, family. There is a lot of colour and joy in my life, a lot of caring and comfort and thats really whats so. And for all of that and for all of you I am truly blessed to have you in my life!

Until next week, lots of love
Suuz xoxoxo


John said...

We are thinking of you all the time and it is heartening to see you have some great friends there.
Seeing Steve last month was just wonderful - it was like we had known him always.
You should get some photos in the post soon - the old fashioned way.

HoneyK said...

Dear Suzi,
How fantastic that you can see the world through a prism of love and support and contribuition. I especially love what you said about recognising that accepting help from others is a contribution to them. I'm passing this on to my mother right now!
You are a great contribution to us all. Thank YOU.
Much love, always. Kay